Thursday, May 19, 2011

Risotto ~ Chuck Williams (ed)

I've cooked a few risotto in my time, firstly at Tafe when I was studying commercial cookery, and then every so often because someone thinks it'd make a nice meal. I know there are those who love it in all its many variations, but personally it's never really been my kind of dish. Fussy to make, time consuming and although nice, certainly not something that excites me. That said, if you are fan of risotto, I have no doubt you'll be a fan of this book.

The cookbook starts with the basics of cooking risotto - guiding you through cooking out the rice, adding the hot stock and then flavouring the risotto, and if this is all you get from the book you'll probably be cooking a good basic risotto in no time. If you want more then it goes on to provide information on using herbs and cheeses to flavour the risotto before moving into recipes.

The recipes run from the more basic fare of Asparagus risotto, Broccoli risotto with parmesan and Ham, pea and parmesan risotto to the more luxurious Saffron risotto with crab and Lobster and champagne risotto. There are a number of dishes I'd probably categorize as 'things to do with risotto' such as Beef bolognese layered with classic risotto and Rosemary and walnut herb croquettes, some which work and some which just don't. Nonetheless, lots of idea's in the book for those who like the dish.

Suitable for risotto lovers, or those wanting to feed them.

- Kath

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