Friday, May 20, 2011

Ainsley's Ultimate Barbecue Bible ~ Ainsley Harriott

Now this is my kind of bible, and Ainsley is my kind of cook. He may not be gay, but he certainly camps up the kitchen a treat, and his food is delicious to boot. I am very fond of watching him cook, and although only some of his energy and flair translate onto the page, this cookbook is Ainsley all over. It is full of spice and flavour and draws on inspiration from across the globe to present fresh and zingy barbecue ideas that are perfectly within the capabilities of the average home cook.

The book takes a logical approach starting with a fairly detailed chapter on the barbecue basics - types of barbecue's, techniques, cooking times and that sort of thing. Following this are the easy flavour enhancers, the marinades, rubs, glazes and butters. Try the Moscow vodka marinade or the Devilish mint recado to give your fish a lift, or the Cajun spiced rub or Yummy honey, lime and ginger glaze to liven up your chicken.

Throughout the book the recipes run the gamut of barbecue fare, from Seared scallops with coriander and garlic oil dressing to Maple-glazed pork spare ribs to Korma courgette and chickpea burgers. Far from being heavy 'man' food though as barbecue recipes are wont to be, the recipes retain a freshness and a lightness that is a real plus. I love the simplicity of the Parma fired figs with goats' cheese filling and the visual appeal of the Sardines with minted tomato and orange salad, and I'd be very happy to serve the side dish of Sweet and sour minted aubergines alongside a main of Cumberland sausage Catherine wheel.

There are plenty of desserts for the sweet tooth, from Fired strawberries and cream cooked in a little parcel on the coals, Mean mango and lime sorbet and Pineapple french toast sandwiches which would make a fantastic Sunday brunch. And for those who just want to relax while someone else does the cooking for a change, put your feet up and sip on a Cool frosted Atlantic jewel, Mississippi wiggle sizzle punch or Ainsley's mum's Caribbean rum pu-punch.

Recommended for everyone, especially if you like a little zing in your barbecue.

- Kath

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