Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Moosewood Cookbook Classics ~ Mollie Katzen

My better half bought this book many years ago against my better judgement and advice. It's not that the recipes are bad - they are in fact quite good. Nor is it that there are too few - at 25 recipes there are enough to satisfy. No, the problem is that the cookbook is too damn small, and it's awkward to read, to hold, to use.

If by chance you decide it's really worth the effort of holding open the tiny little pages and reading the small font to make some of the recipes then at least they don't disappoint. The Mango salsa is fresh and light, as is the White rabbit salad (which does not contain any white rabbits ~ it's a vegetarian cookbook). The Zucchini-feta pancakes are satisfying yet simple and the Eggplant curry rather nice as well. There are also some interesting desserts such as the Maple-walnut pie or the tangy Lemon mousse if you feel inclined. Be prepared to squint to read the recipes though.

Recommended for dolls - it'd be a large coffee table book for your Barbie's, or a small hardcover size for your Cabbage patch kids. Unsuitable for normal sized humans.

- Kath

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