Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sophie Grigson's herbs

This cookbook accompanies a BBC television series of the same name that screened in the late 1990's.

Sophie Grigson is the daughter of esteemed English food writer Jane Grigson, and she does not disappoint with this offering. Unlike many recipe books featuring herbs, this book focusses squarely on delicious and inventive recipes centered on a wide variety of common edible herbs. Whilst many books on herbs do feature recipes, these are often a side interest in what is really gardening or natural therapy subject matter.

The book is bright and colourful, and the recipes are cheery and interesting - try the Lemon Grass and Ginger Lemonade or the Almond and Lemon Syrup Cake with Violets or Heartease. I can also personally recommend the Middle Eastern Herb Salad with Cracked Wheat, Saffron and Chickpea's, and if you don't get through all the salad toss in some egg and breadcrumbs the next day for the most delicious vegetable patties.

Each herb featured in the recipes has it's own section, beginning with some background information about the herb and details about storage and preservation, followed by several recipes featuring that herb. I was particularly impressed looking up recipes for Elder to find the book featured five recipes ranging from cordial to mousse and to fritters, equalling the number of Elder recipes in all my other cookbooks. At a little over 200 pages it satisfies the culinary herbalist in me.

Recommended for cooks looking for fresh idea's for fresh herbs.

- kath

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