Saturday, June 20, 2020

Everyone Loves Tacos ~ Felipe Fuentes Cruz & Ben Fordham

Now I'm not one to argue with a couple of chefs who seem to know what they're doing, so when the title of their book calls out the fact that everyone loves tacos, I think it's more a matter of discerning which tacos are liked by which people, rather than arguing that there might be (crazy, I know) people out there who don't.
Now personally I am quite the fan of a good fish taco, and the boys have got me covered with a really fresh and frisky Tacos dorados de atún (deep-fried fresh tuna tacos) or some Tacos de salmon con frijoles negros picantes (salmon and spicy black bean tacos), but I know they might not be everyone's cup of tea, so if you're not that way inclined but still in the mood for some fresh seafood you might want to check out the Tacos de pulpo asado (octopus and parsley tacos) instead.

Okay, so I may have gotten ahead of myself a little and jumped straight to the seafood, but like many a great cookbook this isn't where the author's have started. There's a little about their background and a little about the taco's background ahead of a handy how-to on making your own corn tortillas. Next up they dish out some little cravings including Aguacate capeado a la cerveza (beer battered avocado dippers) and Tomatitos cherry rostizados (roasted cherry tomatoes) before moving on to breakfast and brunch dishes like Tacos de frijoles pintos y chorizo (pinto bean & chorizo tacos). They move into meat dishes, the Tacos al pastor (pork and pineapple tacos) look a treat, and vegetarian; don't go past the Tacos de calabaza rostizada (roasted pumpkin tacos) without stopping.

There's a great chapter of salsas and relishes before they switch it up again to desserts. These are dreamy - from the Tacos de tortilla a la canela y helado (cinnamon torilla & ice cream tacos), to the Taquitos de pay de manzana (apple pie taquitos), to the Tortilla de chocolate con helado (chocolate ice cream tacos with agave). All that's left is for you to pour yourself a Margarita de ruibarbo (rhubarb margarita) or a Agua de limon y menta (whole lime & mint agua fresca), put your feet up, and enjoy the sunshine.

Recommended for taco lovers of any persuasion.